Minorities. Majority. The Whole.

Equality should assume the existence of differences.
Peoplestrology arose from this difference in points of view: in the end, are we all the same or all different?
Astrology provides for the perpetuation of personality archetypes and virtues in culture, without a great deal of collective participation or questioning. These are stereotypes and clichés that deserve to be discussed, questioned and maybe even redefined.
Identifying the contemporary pulse of the signs of the zodiac is just the first step on this long journey. How do we feel and react to each of them? What personal characteristics are celebrated or criticized? What can the opinion of the vast majority about the 12 signs reveal about the world we live in today?
Peoplestrology is also about learning not to offend or be offended. An exercise in opening the mind, in acceptance and possible transformation.

These days, the discussion and practicing of empathy are as possible as they are utopian. Is it possible to put yourself in someone else’s place? To speak in the name of someone else? Are we entering a new era of greater tolerance or general intransigence?
“I can only see in others what I see in me.’
– This ancient phrase always assures us that we are all part of a single entity, that we are different manifestations of the same whole.
And so to the whole. But piece by piece…
* Lucas Liedke
Co—founder of Peoplestrology and float. Psychoanalyst in private practice in São Paulo, Brazil. — lucas.liedke@gmail.com